Bengawan Solo



Bugis Junction

200 Victoria St

Singapore 188021

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Opening Hours


10am - 9pm


Food & Beverage


Bengawan Solo is a homegrown brand that started in 1979 as Bengawan Solo Cake Shop in Marine Terrace by Tjendri Anastasia.

What began as a simple interest in Indonesian delicacies became a full blown entrepreneurship when her cakes and kuehs gained popularity amongst family and friends.

Bengawan Solo uses traditional methods of production and the only finest quality ingredients to prepare delicacies without preservatives.

Kuehs like Ondeh Ondeh and Kueh Dadar are handmade throughout the process daily before distributing the finished products to the other outlets across Singapore.

Bengawan Solo’s signature range also includes Pandan Chiffon Cake, Lapis Sagu, Kueh Lapis and Pineapple Tarts. Anastasia takes pride in producing Indonesian and local cakes as well as kuehs that are better and the best.