Generic storefront

Siam Square Mookata



Clarke Quay Central

6 Eu Tong Sen St

Singapore 059817

[View on Google Maps]
Opening Hours


12am - 6am


Food & Beverage, Restaurants


If you're not familiar with Mookata, it's a combination of Thai barbeque and steamboat that has been gaining popularity in Singapore in recent years.

"Mookata" means "pork skillet" in Thai, and it originated in Northern Thailand.

Siam Square Mookata (SSM) is one of the early pioneers of Mookata restaurants in Singapore.

Our first outlet, located on Havelock Road, opened on June 21, 2013, and within a few months, we expanded to other locations, including Woodlands, Jurong Gateway, and Eunos Crescent.