JasonSally at NEX


Permanently Closed



23 Serangoon Central

Singapore 556083

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Opening Hours


11am - 8:30pm


Hair & Beauty And Wellness


At JasonSally, we are more than just a hair salon. Our team of dedicated stylists are passionate about helping our clients look and feel their best. We take a holistic approach to hair care, taking into account each client's unique lifestyle and needs to create personalized hair designs that suit them perfectly.

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond just the services we offer. We are constantly researching and experimenting with new products to ensure that we only use the best on our clients' hair. If you are not completely satisfied with your service, we offer a no-cost return visit within 7 days. And if all else fails, we offer a credit, exchange, or refund of the service value.

At JasonSally, we do hair with love. Come visit us and experience our passion for yourself.