Fortoire By Beautyfrizz at Orchard Gateway

Fortoire By Beautyfrizz



Orchard Gateway

277 Orchard Rd

Singapore 238858

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Beauty & Wellness Essentials


Fortoire is dedicated to unlocking the secrets of eternal beauty and vitality that were once reserved for the gods themselves. Through extensive research and unwavering determination, we have harnessed the power of advanced technology to bring you transformative skincare solutions.

Our range of non-invasive LED devices is specifically designed for convenient at-home use, enabling you to effortlessly incorporate rejuvenating treatments into your daily routine. Just as Apollo, the Light Bearer, radiated brilliance, our technology harnesses the therapeutic power of light to combat the signs of ageing.

With Fortoire, you can diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and hyperpigmentation, while restoring a plump and firm complexion. Our LED devices are created with your needs in mind, offering targeted treatments that reverse the effects of time on your skin.

We understand the desire for a youthful, radiant appearance, and our mission is to empower you to achieve it in the comfort of your own home. Embrace the divine potential within you and join us on this journey toward timeless beauty.