The Cheese Shop



UE Square

81 Clemenceau Ave

Singapore 239917

Opening Hours


11am - 7pm


Food & Beverage


At The Cheese Shop, we aim to bring fellow foodies outstanding cheeses, wines and other foods from Europe and beyond. However we are more than just a purveyor of fine cheeses – we are an experience.

Nestled in the heart of UE Square, our shop is a haven for cheese enthusiasts and culinary adventurers alike. Our philosophy revolves around bringing the world of cheese to life through unique flavors, engaging events, and a passion for gourmet exploration.

Discover Cheese and Wine Pairings

Join us for our celebrated Cheese and Wine Sampling events, where we guide you through exquisite pairings and new flavor combinations. These events, held regularly at our JOO CHIAT location, offer a chance to discover your new favorite cheese and wine pairings in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

Explore Unique Cheeses with Distinctive Flavors

We pride ourselves on our curated selection of cheeses from around the world. Take, for example, our Epoisses cheese – a cow's milk wash-rind cheese from Burgundy, France. Aged in Marc de Bourgogne, it boasts a bold aroma, a liquid texture, and a complex flavor profile that includes hints of grassiness, barnyard vibes, and a surprising umami sweetness reminiscent of shrimp paste.

A World of Pasta Possibilities

Our passion extends beyond cheese. We delve into the wonderful world of Italian pasta, offering over 300 shapes to choose from. Whether you're a fan of long pasta like Spaghetti and Bucatini, prefer short pasta like Fusilli and Paccheri, or are curious about ridged or textured varieties like Radiatori and Mafalde, we have something to suit every culinary creation.

Innovative Snacking Options

We also offer innovative snacking options like Marmite-flavored crackers. These unique biscuits, perfect for your cheeseboard or as a convenient snack, come in individual packets and boast a distinctive yeasty, salty, soy sauce-esque flavor.

Convenient Locations and Opening Hours

With multiple locations including Joo Chiat, River Valley, Upper Bukit Timah, and Upper Thomson, we ensure that a visit to The Cheese Shop is always convenient. Our opening hours are tailored to accommodate your schedule, even during festive occasions like Deepavali.

Join Us at The Cheese Shop

Whether you're a cheese connoisseur, a pasta enthusiast, or simply looking to try something new, The Cheese Shop at UE Square is your destination. Visit us in-store or online to explore our full range of offerings and to be part of an ever-evolving gourmet journey.

Experience the delightful world of cheese and more with us – your adventure awaits! 🧀🍷🍝